2018年12月18日 星期二



  取藏大師希娜堪卓(或譯音色拉,取自地方名。堪卓意為空行母),為尼泊爾現世成就者 夏札仁波切的上師,父親為駐錫西藏的漢使,母親為藏人。十四歲時,離開家鄉到果洛地區,因身無分文而成雇工,為人放牧牛羊。某日放羊時,親見印度八十四成就者的祖古熱巴大師,教他一些密乘七供屬圓滿次第的法門,精進練習後,修行增長。後來噶日迭頓伏藏大師敦珠旺秋臨圓寂前,前往拜見,圓寂後數日,示現於她面前並給予灌頂後開悟,從此知道所有的儀軌、壇城及朵瑪的製作,通達大小五明、顯密經典。十幾歲時,康區具盛名、博學的安尊珠巴(為隆欽傳承)見到希娜堪卓所寫的伏藏法本後,說:「一個女孩子寫出這樣的法本是不可思議的,我一定要請她為我的上師。」便派人尋找並請她到那裡為安尊珠巴的上師,堪卓傳予他大圓滿法;巨木旁大師(為寧瑪巴非常有學問的上師之一,寫有三十二本書,目前寧瑪巴所有學院的課程都是由他整理。)也非常讚誦她,從此有名於康區。

  希娜堪卓寫有六本書,這裏全部都有,我以前曾向上師 夏札仁波切請傳過她的秘密傳記,內容多為四灌頂和大圓滿的教授,因為密傳,所以不公開。


  色拉康卓 二十世紀偉大的伏藏師色拉康卓爹威多傑(1899-1952)
  色拉康卓在當代開啟了所有女伏藏師所取出的伏藏中最為著名、傳播最廣的伏藏集。 色拉康卓是卡拉多傑楚的一個化身。在蓮師和空行母依喜措嘉的時代,有32個自然解脫的空行母,卡拉多傑楚就是其中的一個。她拜見蓮師和空行母依喜措嘉時,蓮師把自己的水晶念珠放到她頭上,水晶念珠竟然融入她體內。像度母一樣,她發願常轉世為女身利益眾生。
  一次,她到類烏齊傳授大圓 滿立斷 教授《淨治明相》。那裏有三個大寺院,兩個寺院對她很好,一個對她不信任,因為她是女身而且不是出家人。他們諷刺說:多麼奇怪的上師啊,那樣美麗還穿著奇特的衣服。
  Sera Khandro, Twentieth Century Major Terton
  Sera Khandro Deway Dorje (1899-1952)
  Sera Khandro’s autobiography is in the process of being translated into English. In the mean time, we can get a little taste through the stories of Tulku Sangngak Rinpoche—the Gochen Tulku—who is related to her.
  Out of 100 great tertons, three were women
  1. Khandro Pema Kunga Bum in Rinchen Terzo
  2. Jomo Menmo
  3. Sera Khandro
  In the present day Sera Khandro discovered the most famous and widespread terma cycle of all the female tertons.
  Sera Khandro was an incarnation of Chaka Dorje Tso. There were 32 innately liberated dakinis at the time of Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal. Chaka Dorje Tso was one such dakini. She approached Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal, and Guru Rinpoche placed his crystal mala onto her head and it dissolved into her head. Like Tara , she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.
  Sangyey Lingpa predicted a manifestation of Vajravarahi who would benefit beings in the desire realm. Pema Ledretsal also predicted and emanation of Chaka would come, as did many others.
  Sera Khandro was born in Lhasa near a famous temple. Her family was from China . Tara appeared to her when she was 8 years old. She had pure vision experiences of Saraha and Yeshe Tsogyal, among others. When it came time for her arranged marriage she escaped out of a clear story window and jumped, falling on to a stone surface, where the indentation can still be seen.
  She left Lhasa alone, bringing nothing with her. She walked 4-5 days distance north without food, sleeping in the forest. She prayed to Guru Rinpoche for help, but eventually collapsed and nearly died. Then, a horseman appeared with a big container of yogurt, and offered it to her with a bow. (This is the Golok style of greeting travellers. They still have these kind of yogurt containers in Golok.) This was an emanation of protector Majak Pumra.
  Sera Khandro arrived at a place where there was a large Mani stone--completely starved and with no clothing. She circumambulated the mani stone. A lama saw her and invited her in, offering her prostrations. He said he had received many prophesies and predictions of her arrival. Immediately, he put her on a high throne and requested teachings of the Dharma. And thus--one month after she left home--she gave teachings. In this way she imparted her visionary terma to her first student. He provided shoes, clothes, tsampa to her, allowing her to travel on to Golok.
  The difference in dialect, her gender, etc... made things difficult in Golok. She got a job taking care of yaks, feeling depressed and defeated. (I have heard through the grapevine that her autobiography explains that her depression centered around not being able to find a qualified consort.)
  She wanted to meet a certain ngakpa lama, and his wife and attendant prevented her. This went on for three years. Finally, the lama sent for her. Then both of their obstacles for ter revelation were cleared away on finally meeting each other. He predicted her treasures should appear now. All kinds of visions occurred. Sometime there were problems with the terma, signs. At these times this lama could help her out, and she could help him.
  The support of the consort has two purposes. First, through tantric training it helps to produce and maintain the wisdom of the union of great bliss and emptiness, by which the adept attained the ultimate state. Second, a realized person who has the requisite powerful aspirations takes birth as the consort of a terton in order to fulfill the mission of discovering the profound esoteric teachings for fortunate followers. For the terma tradition, a consort is a very important instrument.
  Sometimes the support of different consorts is required for the discovery of several major scriptures by the same person, because of their specific aspirations for discoveries at the time of concealment. If the right person could not become the terton’s consort, or be present, sometimes the gift of an ornament or an item of clothing of the person can be a substituted. Because of interdependent causation, the substituted object becomes the support of the discovery, decoding the symbolic script, and allowing for the propagation of the teachings.
  This lama predicted she was the destined khandro of Sera Yangtrul (Pema Dudul Sangngak Lingpa, Drimey Ozer), son of the great terton Dudjom Lingpa, who was himself a renowned terton. She is called Sera Khandro, because she was the consort of Lama Sera Yangtrul. Many people came to study with them both, and their lineage spread.
  She was very learned and had indescribable accomplishment. She would hangout with with yidams like we are hanging out with our buddies. She has a secret biography that describes this.
  When someone would ask her a Dharma question she would often say "I don't know", pause, then say "but I heard from this dakini once..."
  One time she went to Riwoche to teach the Dzogchen Nang Jang. There are three big monasteries there. Two of the monasteries treated her well. One treated her badly, because she was a woman and not a nun. They would say sarcastically "What and amazing lama, so beautiful, and with all those fancy clothes."
  She wanted to meet a certain lama in that monastery. They told her "you cannot see him," that he was in retreat,
  She said "O.K., just bring me his belt." But they did not.
  Later she died and attained rainbow body. She left instructions that her door should be kept closed for 7 days. But, after 4-5 days they could see through the planks of the walls that the house was filled with rainbows. Folks started peeking. They could see that there were rainbows swirling and hovering in her clothing. Some people were scared. There were letters made out of light that spelled HA RI NI SA. The students wanted to break in early to get relics. At day 5 they could see only rainbows and fire shimmering at first, They thrust their hands onto the light to try to get remains before she completely dissolved. Only remains the size of a torma were left.
  The monastery that had opposed her felt really bad. The monks came out and confessed their mistake to her remains, realizing the mistake they had made.
  Chatral Rinpoche holds her lineage--these monks requested the transmission and sponsored him to make up for their mistake. Therefore, everyone in Riwoche therefore became her disciple.
  She was unique among the khandros in that she mastered all aspects of Dharma--scholar, practitioner and siddha. She was called dakini Dechen Dewe Dorje. She was reborn at one of Chatral Rinpoche’s daughters, Saraswati.
  She was the repository of a number of gTer lineages. Her treasure cycle called Dakini's Secret Treasury of the Nature of Reality was discovered by her under her terton name, Souka Vajra (Blissful Vajra), when she was 28.

